Kamis, 06 Maret 2014


New post for MTC Bali #4


Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari terapi yang fungsinya adalah supaya si anak mengerti akan konsep warna, bagaimana koordinasi tangan dan mata serta melatih kekuatan tangan. Disini motorik halusnya juga dilatih sehingga anak dapat belajar berbicara dengan benar, belajar bersama, berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi antar teman dan semua ini berpengaruh pada menambahnya kepercayaan diri dalam kelas, di tempat umum, termasuk di rumah.
Kegiatan ini meliputi seperti :
a. Melukis
b. Memainkan instrument music (baik personal maupun berupa grup)
c. Belajar bahasa inggris
d. Interaksi dan sosialisasi antar teman
e. Belajar pengucapan kata-kata dengan benar.

This activity is a part of therapy that leads the children to understand concept of colors, coordination between eyes and hands, also to train hand strength. Their physical ability is also trained so they can talk better, learn together, interact and socialize to friends, which everything leads to better confidence in class, in public also at home.
This activity includes:
a. Painting
b. Playing music instrument (in personal or group)
c. Learn English
d. Interact & socialize with friends
e. Learn to pronounce words better


New post fot MTC Bali #3


Kegiatan ini bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kontrol koordinasi motorik, sensory processing integration, membangun tim work dan sosialisasi antar teman serta melatih ketahanan otot keseimbangan. Hal tersebut dapat dilatih melalui tantangan merebut bola, membawa bola sambil berlari tanpa terjatuh dan cepat tanggap dalam mengejar bola. Si anak akan merasa tidak seperti diterapi tetapi bermain karena suasananya yang menyenangkan :)

This activity has so many benefits, increasing the ability of physical control and coordination, sensory processing integration, building team-work and social skill to friends also to train muscle strength and balance. All of this happens as the children participate in the challenges to take the ball in control while running without falling, while quickly aware of the ball’s natural movement. Plus the children is actually doing a therapy for themselves while have the fun doing it


New post for MTC Bali #2


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands on treatment method that focuses on alleviating restrictions to physiological motion of all bones of the skull, including the face and mouth, as well as the vertebral column, sacrum, coccyx and pelvis. Concurrently, the Craniosacral therapist focuses as well on normalizing abnormal tensions and stresses in the meningeal membrane, with special attention to the outermost membrane, the dura mater and its facial connections.

Craniosacral therapy adalah treatment halus dengan metode sentuhan tangan yang berfokus pada memperingan dan memperbaiki gangguan akan gerakan fisiologis dari semua tulang pada kepala, termasuk wajah dan mulut, termasuk juga vertebral column, sacrum, coccyx dan pelvis. Saat ini, the Terapis Craniosacral berfokuspada menormalkan tekanan abnormal termasuk pada daerah meningeal membrane, dengan perhatian khusus daerah luar membrane, dura mater dan facial connections.


New post for MTC Bali #1


Kegiatan Sabtu MTC sekali lagi terasa meriah, ketika ditengah berkumpul dan menjalankan terapi (hydro therapy, soccer, dl), kami merayakan ulang tahun Dendy yang kesebelas. Dendy adalah anggota MTC yang cukup lama berada di kegiatan kami, mengalami kemajuan dalam banyak bidang termasuk kepercayaan diri yang bertambah untuk berinteraksi dengan sekitar, baik teman maupun para staff MTC. Hari itu (keg Sabtu MTC 1 maret) Dendy tersenyum lebar karena orang tua, teman-teman, staff MTC ada disana untuk merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke 11!

Saturday routine at MTC once again sparked with a little special occasion, while the therapy going (hydro therapy, soccer, etc), we celebrate Dendy’s eleventh birthday. Dendy is a member MTC for quite some time attending our activities, going through many progresses including his confidence to interact with surroundings like friends and MTC staffs. That day (MTC Saturday’s, March 1st) Dendy had his ear-to-ear smile for his parent, friends and MTC staffs is there to celebrate together with him, his 11th Birthday!