Kamis, 06 Maret 2014


New post fot MTC Bali #3


Kegiatan ini bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kontrol koordinasi motorik, sensory processing integration, membangun tim work dan sosialisasi antar teman serta melatih ketahanan otot keseimbangan. Hal tersebut dapat dilatih melalui tantangan merebut bola, membawa bola sambil berlari tanpa terjatuh dan cepat tanggap dalam mengejar bola. Si anak akan merasa tidak seperti diterapi tetapi bermain karena suasananya yang menyenangkan :)

This activity has so many benefits, increasing the ability of physical control and coordination, sensory processing integration, building team-work and social skill to friends also to train muscle strength and balance. All of this happens as the children participate in the challenges to take the ball in control while running without falling, while quickly aware of the ball’s natural movement. Plus the children is actually doing a therapy for themselves while have the fun doing it

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