Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

ShowLove for MTC

ShowLove is  back on blog. After few activities within this past 6 months, we will show some updates of what's going on and what's been happening. We are currently busy with a weekly  charity program called M T C /Matahari Terbit Center (, it is a part of Sunrise School Bali. providing a weekly charity activity that offers a standard of therapy, care and expertise that is given to disabled children with cerebral palsy, ADD, down syndrome. So far ShowLove's contribution for MTC are:

- Transportation to pick up MTC kids

- Donation Rp 3.000.000,- which now turned to 2 valuable therapy tools

- Volunteer (Dedi Kristian) as children teacher/keeper

- Media Assistance (Photos)

We will post some of our activity at MTC on few different posts. Here are some pictures of our activity on Indonesia's independence day. We had super-super fun day with kids laughed loose and our hearts is heavy with their cheerful sincerity. 


Akhirnya ShowLove kembali ke blog kami. Setelah banyak hal yang kami lakukan selama 6 bulan kebelakang, kami akan update apa yang telah dan sedang kami lakukan. Saat ini kami sedang cukup sibuk dengan sebuah kegiatan amal bernama M T C /Matahari Terbit Center (, yang adalah bagian dari Sunrise School Bali. Menyediakankegiatan amal yang menawarkan terapi, perharian dengan keahlian yang baik untuk anak-anak penderita   cerebral palsy, ADD, down syndrome dll. Sampai saat ini kontribusi ShowLove's untuk saat ini adalah:

- Transportation to pick up MTC kids

- Donasi Rp 3.000.000,- which now turned to 2 valuable therapy tools

- 1 Volunteer (Dedi Kristian) as children teacher/keeper

Media Assistance for Social Media (

- Media Assistance (Photos)

Kami akan upload beberapa posting kegiatan kami di MTC. Dan diposting ini adalah salah satu kegiatan kami sat Hari Kemerdekaan  Indonesia. Hari yang sangat menyenangkan buat kami para volunteer, melihat tawa lepas mereka yang tulus..

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